Inflamación, hormonas y salud: Navegando la conexión compleja.
La inflamación sistémica, a menudo llamada inflamación crónica de bajo grado, puede persistir durante largos períodos sin síntomas aparentes, lo que dificulta su identificación y manejo. Los signos comunes de inflamación, como fatiga, trastornos gastrointestinales, cambios en la piel y problemas cognitivos, a menudo pueden confundirse con otras...
10 Facts About Botox
We are ideologists and creators of a new approach to solving aesthetic problems of any age – “intensive cosmetology”. Intensive cosmetology (from the Latin. Intensio – tension, enhancement) is a field of cosmetology, which is characterized by time-tight, targeted, strong, penetrating, combined types of influence on the aesthetic...
Mesopil Procedure “Moisturizing and Smoothness”
We are ideologists and creators of a new approach to solving aesthetic problems of any age – “intensive cosmetology”. Intensive cosmetology (from the Latin. Intensio – tension, enhancement) is a field of cosmetology, which is characterized by time-tight, targeted, strong, penetrating, combined types of influence on the aesthetic...
Best Non-Surgical Anti-aging Treatments for 2019
We are ideologists and creators of a new approach to solving aesthetic problems of any age – “intensive cosmetology”. Intensive cosmetology (from the Latin. Intensio – tension, enhancement) is a field of cosmetology, which is characterized by time-tight, targeted, strong, penetrating, combined types of influence on the aesthetic...
Terapia Celular: Células Madre Mesenquimales.
La terapia celular es una rama de la medicina regenerativa basada en células madre mesenquimales y se refiere al proceso de introducir células madre en el sistema circulatorio por medio de la vía intravenosa.Todo lo que compone nuestro cuerpo está formado por células, estas células al momento de nuestra formación gestal van adquiriendo rasgos...